

1.    宗旨 (Objectives)

學生        For students

·               獲得基本的科學知識及概念,以便在這廣受科學和科技影響的世界中生活,並作出貢獻;

·               培養尋根究柢及解決問題的能力,以提升學能;

·               熟習運用科學語言,並掌握相關的傳意技能;

·               培養對科學的好奇心及興趣;

·               瞭解科學的實用性和局限性,認識科學、科技社會的相互影響,並培養公民應有的責任感,懂得愛護環境和善用資源,以修品勵德;

·               能夠理解各接受科學知識不斷演進的特質。

·               acquire the basic scientific knowledge and concepts for living in and contributing to a scientific and technological world;

·               develop the ability to enquire and to solve problems;

·               be acquainted with the language of science and be equipped with the skill in communicating ideas in science related contexts;

·               develop curiosity and interest in science;

·               recognize the usefulness and limitations of science and the interactions between science, technology and society and develop an attitude of responsible citizenship, including respect for the environment and commitment to the wise use of resources;

·               be able to appreciate and understand the evolutionary nature of scientific knowledge.

2.    年度計劃 (Annual Plan)

·               To develop the students’ language abilities

·               To develop an independent learning attitude

·               To cater for the diverse learning abilities of our students

·               To cultivate a professional sharing among teachers

·               To raise the sense of responsibility of our students

·               To establish positive values


3.    課程內容 (Curriculum Content)

·         中一           Form 1

科學入門                            Introducing Science


觀察生物                            Looking at living things

細胞、人類生殖與遺傳        Cells, human reproduction and heredity

能量                                   Energy

物質的粒子觀                      Matter as particles


·         中二            Form 2

生物與空氣                        Living things and air

電的使用                            Making use of electricity

常見的酸和鹼                     Common acids and alkalis

環境的察覺                         Sensing the environment

力和運動                            Force and motion


4.    活動和成就(如有) (Activities and Achievements)

科學問答比賽  Science Competition


科學評核測驗  Science Assessment Test


跨學科活動  Cross curricular activities

·               暑銜接班  Summer Bridge Pogramme

·               閱讀計劃  Reading programme

·               串字遊戲  Spelling bee

·               科技創建學習  STEM Project learning

5.    網上資源 (Useful Resources)


香港教育城 Hong Kong Education city

2.香港天文台教學資源Hong Kong Observatory
3.香港太空館 Hong Kong Space Museum
4.World Wild Fund for Nature Hong Kong  世界自然(香港)基金會
6.Discovery Kids


